Wren Avatar
- Colliders and Phys Bones
- All gestures and layers included
- FBT Ready using Twist Bones
- gun toy
- A lot of toggles for clothing customization
- Hue shift for wrens clothes, hair, eyes, and gun
- Facial gestures!
- Interactable boop and headpat animations
- Chest size
Customization Toggles:
- Clothing - jacket, chest cover, tank top, sport bra, arm guards and bandana , gloves, pants, shorts, knee pads and side gear, socks, boots, pigtails, goggles, goggles positions,
- Toggles for ears, and tail
Credits List:
Tori for Base and Head: https://torinyan.gumroad.com/
Eye texture: https://lazythecat.gumroad.com/
pigtails link: https://bunisu.gumroad.com/
body and head texture: http://yingyangvr.gumroad.com/
short hair: http://apyr.gumroad.com/
goggles shader: http://vrlife.gumroad.com/
ears and tail: http://latitia.gumroad.com/
Jacket: https://iridescence.gumroad.com/
Everything else made by me
Requires Poiyomi shaders
Terms Of Services:
- Under no conditions should this asset or and avatar may be redistributed.
- Under no conditions should this asset or and avatar be uploaded as a public model for use other than yourself.
- Under no conditions should you claim ownership of any of the product shown and sold.
- You are only permitted to use assets from the avatar for commercial purposes with proper authorization from me and purchase from respective sellers.
- Failure to comply with the statements above may result in a blacklist from future purchases.
✓ By purchasing this product, you hereby accept the Terms of Services of this particular product.